ERP Self-Assessment
The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services and  Research and Training Center on Community Living Research and Training Center on Community Living
Emergency Response Preparedness Self-Assessment Instrument
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About this Project

The NASDDDS Emergency Response Preparedness Self Assessment Instrument was developed by the National Association of State Directors in collaboration with the Research and Training Center (RTC), Institute on Community Integration (ICI) at the University of Minnesota (UMN). Initiated following the Gulf Coast Hurricane disasters in 2005, the self assessment tool is designed to assist state developmental disabilities officials evaluate the extent to which their existing preparedness plans address the unique characteristics and needs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during periods of emergency or disaster.

The instrument was developed over a two year period with significant input and collaboration from the Association's Ad-Hoc Emergency Preparedness Advisory Committee, content experts from the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota, state developmental disabilities agencies and others. The instrument was put through extensive usability testing and was field-tested by six states prior to release.

Project Staff
Charles Moseley Ed.D, Associate Executive Director NASDDDS

Content Expertise:
Patricia Salmi, Ph.D., Research Associate, Research and Training Center, ICI, UMN
Pam Stenhjem, M.S. Research Fellow, Research and Training Center, ICI, UMN

Web Design:
John Westerman, Web Developer, Research and Training Center, ICI, UMN

NASDDDS Emergency Preparedness Committee
Carol Risley California DDS       Mike Snow Ohio DMR/DD
Antoinette Johnson California DDS       Sally Clingman Ohio DMR/DD
Dan Micari Connecticut DDS       Jeff Wilson Ohio DMR/DD
Dennis Mitchell Connecticut DDS       Tina Kitchin MD Oregon SPD
Joe Harrison Becker Connecticut DDS       Bo Platt Texas DADS
Kathy Kliebert Louisiana OCDD       Sylvia Valdez-Ledbetter Texas DADS
Diane Enochs Mass DMR      
Lynda Kahn EK Shriver Center, UMASS Medical School       Pat Salmi ICI UMN
Erin McGaffigan EK Shriver Center, UMASS Medical School       Chas Moseley NASDDDS

Field Test States

Louisiana, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Utah, Texas, and Ohio.


NASDDDS gratefully acknowledges the support and assistance of the NASDDDS Ad-Hoc Advisory Committee, the state developmental disabilities agency staff in each of the six field test states and others involved in the project.

The Association wants to extend a special thanks to Charlie Lakin, Ph.D. of the Research and Training Center on Community Living Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota, for his strong support for this project during the past two years.