Recreation & Community Activities

  1. How will agency staff support my family member to take part in his or her current recreation interests? (Name several recreation and leisure interests.)
  2. What do residents served by your agency do for fun?
  3. Where and with whom do residents go on vacation?
  4. What is your agency’s policy on using volunteers to support residents taking part in more individualized recreation and leisure activities?
  5. Does you have policies about volunteers or friends providing rides to residents?
  6. Does your agency have a person who is responsible for assisting residents to plan and take part in recreation and leisure activities?
  7. Describe some the recreation and leisure activities that residents of this home do together.
  8. What are some of the recreation and leisure activities that residents do on their own or with the support of a staff person?
  9. How often do residents take part in recreation and leisure activities within the community?
  10. Who selects the recreation and leisure activities in which residents engage?
  11. To what types of community organizations do current residents belong?
  12. What community resources are available to residents in the immediate neighborhood?
  13. What resources in the immediate community do residents regularly use (such as where do people bank, get a haircut, etc.)?

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