- What specific support services does your agency
- Does your agency specialize in providing services
to persons with specific support needs?
- How many years have you provided supports to
persons currently living here?
- Which types of supports does your agency find
easiest and most challenging to provide?
- What would be the process if a resident wanted to
change his or her supports?
- What do these support services cost from this
agency? (Provide a list of the supports which you
and your family member desire.)
- Describe the process we would follow if my family
member chose to move to a different home run by
your agency.
- Who (residents or family members) could I talk to
about their experiences with your agency? How can
I best contact these people?
- Describe a typical week day and weekend day at
this home.
- What are the policies regarding demissions or
asking people to move out?
- What is the agencys philosophy about using
physical restraints, time outs, or medications
with people who have challenging behavior?
- When could my family member begin being served by
your agency?
- How does your agency support cultural differences
among residents?
- How many residents go to churches that they or
their families have personally selected?